Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to Make a Custom Wedding Veil

Whether you are going for a goth wedding, plan on having a white wedding dress with a colored trim or are planning a lime green wedding, custom wedding veils might by up your alley.

There are three things you'll need:
Fabric for the veil
A large barrette, hair comb, or head band
glue gun
embellishments optional

The Fabric

The fabric can be anything, if we're going custom. Traditionally, you would go for a sheer fabric. But you could go for lace of fishnet, or even netting. You could dye your fabric if you can't find it in the right shade, but dyeing can produce unsuspecting results, so if at all possible, find the right shade the first time.

Barrett, Hair Comb, or Head Band

How you want to attach the veil to your head depends largely on how you want to do your hair. If you want it definitely down, and head band would be a nice choice. If you want it up and want to wear your veil through the reception, you can attach the veil to you hair clip. If you think you'll want to take the veil out for dancing, a hair comb that you can easily pull out without ruining your do might be the best option.


The simplest embellishments would be flowers. I would go fake, even though that can be lame, just because it would be so un-pretty if they were crushed. Another simple possibility would be pearls of glass beads.

Fun embellishments come with more outrageous outcomes. Really, the sky is the limit with what you can attach to your veil. You don't have to attach anything at all. Have fun and keep it personal.